Friday, October 1, 2021

Biodiversity Case Study

Biodiversity Case Study

Your task: create a google slide presentation by the end of Thursday that demonstrates your understanding of habitat characteristics, biodiversity values, threats, and solutions.

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund is an organization that gives grants to NGOs and individuals who are working towards conservation efforts around the world.

Step 1: Choose a biodiversity hotspot on the list on the website above.  

Step 2: Gather data. The data that you must gather is the following:

Microhabitat Analysis—What characteristics and interactions are present in this region? You might need to review your notes to remind yourself what qualifies as habitat, ecosystem, community, and environment. Gather information about each for your given region. Be sure to include what species are endemic to this region!

Biodiversity Values— Address each of the following in your presentation: ecosystem services, economic value, and cultural value. You may include other aspects of biodiversity as well. Be sure to include how this region qualifies as a biodiversity “hotspot”.

Threats to Biodiversity—Consider habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, (human) population growth, and overharvesting.  Identify threats to biodiversity in this region. Be specific about what is being lost/damaged and what has already been lost/damaged and why or how.

Solutions—For some of your regions, solutions might have already been tried. Talk about these and whether or not they have been successful. If nothing has been done to prevent biodiversity loss, come up with potential solutions. Be specific! Don’t just say “conservation efforts” or “awareness”. What kinds of conservation should be done? What species need protection? If resources can no longer be gathered here, where else should we gather them?

Step 3: Compile your information onto your google slide.