Thursday, September 30, 2021

Keystone Species

After the video respond to the following in your notebook:
  • What is a keystone species?
  • What is an Endemic species?
  • Identify two things you think you learned
  • Write one question you now have.

On your biome worksheets, select one specific region with each biomes and identify a keystone species and endemic species for each.  Justify your response.

Where in the Biome am I?

  • You will be researching two Biomes on-line using the sheet provided.  
  • Using Biomes of the World website begin to research and learn where your biome is located in the world. (See or
  • Color or Shade the world map for your biome. Identify on your map the major bodies of water and countries that border the biome.
  • Questions to Answer
    • Climate
      • Does the biome have seasons? Has the climate been changing during the last decades? What is unique about the climate of the biome?
      • How much precipitation does the biome receive? Is it in the form of rain or snow?
      • What is the temperature range of the biome?
    • List three physical features of your biome, such as terrain and how it looks in general.
    • Plants and Animals:  Identify at least  five plants and five animals to your biome.  This must include at least one KEYSTONE species. 
    •  Has the biome experienced any of the changes you saw in the survey  (My Initial Thoughts) such as urban development, air pollution, or soil erosion?
    • Based on what you have been able to learn, do you believe the biome is being conserved, preserved, or exploited?

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Anthropocene

  • Define Anthropocene
  • Identify two things you think you learned
  • Write one question you now have.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Agricultural Revolution


  • Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the agricultural revolution
  • Write one additional thing you think you learned
  • Write one question you now have

Discussion Wrap-Up  submit a ClEvR statement for the question:

Did the agricultural revolution benefit humanity?

History of Life on Earth

  • What was the primary cause in changes to animals over time?
  • Identify two things you think you learned
  • Write one question you now have.

    • Identify three big ideas presented in the video. 
    Other concepts to understand
    • Hypothesis:  A prediction you can test.
    • Scientific Theory:  An explanation supported by experiment. (Explains WHY something happens) 
    • Scientific Law:  A 'Rule of Nature' (states what will happen.)